Monday 13 March 2023

The Maya Civilization


The rise of the Maya began about 250 ce, and what is known to archaeologists as the Classic Period of Mayan culture lasted until about 900 ce.

The Maya civilization was an ancient civilization that flourished in parts of present-day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras from about 2000 BC to the 16th century AD. The Maya civilization is known for its advanced development in writing, mathematics, astronomy, and art.

The Maya developed a complex writing system using hieroglyphs, which was one of the most sophisticated in the pre-Columbian Americas. They also had a sophisticated calendar system, which included a solar calendar of 365 days and a sacred calendar of 260 days.

Maya society was organized into city-states, each with its own ruling elite and a complex social hierarchy. The ruling elite controlled the economy, which was based on agriculture, trade, and tribute.

Maya art and architecture were also highly developed, and they built impressive structures such as pyramids, palaces, and temples. They were skilled in stonework, pottery, weaving, and other crafts.

Despite their achievements, the Maya civilization declined and eventually collapsed for reasons that are still debated by historians and archaeologists. Some theories suggest that environmental factors such as drought and deforestation contributed to their downfall, while others point to political instability, warfare, and the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.

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